Trent Stewart Livestock                                        Brownlie Shearing Contracting                   Abbey Animal Health

Riverina Wool Testers                                           O & J Brewis                                                    Taradean Stud                   

Shearing Contractors Assoc. Australia               The Shearer's Wife                                        Old Springfield Partnership   

Deepdene Border Leicester Stud                        Bindaree Merino Stud                                  Fitzgerald's Transport    

Anneleigh Poll Dorset & White Suffolk Stud      Ben & Mez Rudd, Mt Pleasant                    Nandawar Partnership
​Chris & Arty Haylock                                              NG Crutching Services                                  Conrayn Merino Stud

Virbac Animal Health                                             Greendale Merino Stud                                Buckleys Rural Contracting

Download the Shearing Program Boudjah Merino Stud Show Shear.pdf

2025 will be our 13th Annual Nimmitabel Show Shear Competition.

The Anneleigh Poll Dorset & White Suffolk Rams Stud Nimmitabel Show Shear competition was formed to
promote and encourage ​excellence within the shearing industry, interest in wool and an appreciation of the art
and skill of sheep shearing. This competition will showcase the professional work ethic and standards that
contribute to efficient wool harvesting and optimum clip preparation that in turn benefit end users of Australian wool.
This year the competition will be again held in the shearing shed. 
Spectors will enjoy the quality of shearing on display, from young learner shearer's all the way through to 
those that have retired, but still now how to whip the wool of a few. 

The Anneleigh Poll Dorset & White Suffolk Rams Stud Show Shear and
Wool Handlers

Registration at 8.30am

​1.  Gordon Litchfield Wool Open Section​

2.  Jemaolong Wool Senior Section

3.  Hazeldean Intermediate Section

4.  Monaro Livestock & Property Novice Section

5.  Monaro Wool Services Wool Handlers Section 

           *  Opens

           *  Novice

6.  Riverina Wool Testers "Golden Oldies" Section​

​Presentation at the conclusion of the shearing.

​​We would like to thank all the sponsors of this year's show shear:

Anneleigh Poll Dorset & White Suffolk Rams

2024 Winners